Saturday, December 26, 2015

THE HOUSE: Editor Comments, New Year Release and other updates

Hi Everyone,

I just got the comments for The House back from my editor on Thursday.  It's not too bad.  There's a bit of rewriting and I have to add a scene but with everyone off for the holidays, it's slow going. Apologies for the delay.  Please look for it as New Year's release.

Meanwhile, I've had some interest over at Babelcube for a translation of The Basement into French! It all looks good and given the great experience I've had with the Spanish translation (El sotano), I'm really looking forward to it.  Fingers crossed that all goes well.

Also, I've gotten the covers for my next project, which is a novella called Cyber Bully.  Here is what it looks like.  I would love to hear what you think of it.  Any and all comments are welcome.

Finally, I am also continuing to work on the follow up the The Basement, a full-length novel called The Lake Car.  It will follow Agent Chapel into her next investigation as well as detail how her encounter with Jevington has irrevocably changed her life.  I will be taking my time on this novel to make sure it is the best it can possibly be.

So, those are my updates for this week.  Happy holidays to everyone and I look forward to having The House out in January. :-)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Soon Available in Spanish: El sótano -

The Basement will soon be available in Spanish. Check out El sótano - courtesy of Bablecube and my fabulous translator Cristina Fernández Redondo. Links will be provided as soon as I have them. :-)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Basement is now available on AUDIBLE!

So exciting!  The audio version of The BASEMENT, produced by Elizabeth Klett is now available on Audible.  You can listen to a sample or buy it here.

This is a fabulous performance from Professor Klett.  I was riveted--even though I wrote the story. It's that good.  Check it out.

And, in celebration of its release, I have just lowered the price on the Kindle version of The Basement to 99 CENTS.  It may take a little while for them to make the change on Amazon but it should be done soon!