Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The House is now available on Audible!

Great news!  I just got the email from ACX letting me know that The House is now available on Audible.  Elizabeth Klett gave a stunning performance on this. It gave me chills even though I wrote the book!  Amazing.  It's worth a listen. Check it out. :-) 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Writing, writing, sick as a dog, writing, audio book, editing, Babelcube and writing

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I last posted.  I've been super-busy with so many things (including a super-bug that knocked everyone in our house out for a good four weeks!), so haven't had much of a chance to put anything up.  So here's the update. :-)

I've been steadily working on Cyberbully.  It is really coming into focus now.  The hardest part is not only writing exclusively from a male point of view but also trying to bring to life a rather unsavory character while simultaneously making him sympathetic to the audience.  This takes a lot of drafting and re-drafting!  It will be for my editor to tone down anything too unbelievably feminine (I never edit my own stuff solo--you miss too many things that way) but I am still writing the first draft.  I edit as I go (a la Hemingway style) so it should be in pretty good shape by the time my editor sees it. Still, I don't think it will be ready until at least the end of March/early April.

But, production on the audio book of The House is complete and it should be available for purchase sometime later this month. Elizabeth Klett gave another FABULOUS performance on this one.  It is well worth a listen. Super creepy!

Beyond this, there are several foreign language translations of The House and The Basement in the works over at Babelcube.  The Basement is already available in Spanish (El sótano) but will also be soon appearing in French, German, Italian and Portuguese.  The House has been translated into Italian with Spanish currently in the works. Now I just need to figure out how to get an author profile on the Amazon Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Italy sites so I can start promoting there! ;-)

Finally, I want to give a shout out to K.G. over on Flurries Unlimited for not only continuing to promote my books but also for hosting my writing and editing blogs. I am still affiliated with them but he runs the show. So thank you for the publicity and the hospitality! :-)

Thank you to everyone for your fabulous support! It is greatly appreciated.  Now, back to writing...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Evidently I am a British Man!!!! Who knew?

At least according to this crazy review of The House by S. Smith over on Amazon.  Did this person read the same book I wrote? Check this out :

"2.0 out of 5 stars
on February 5, 2016
Two stars is the best my conscience would allow me to give. Not horribly written but there were errors. One of my major pet peeves is a British author pretending to be American. There is simply no need for this. If you wamt to write an American story, just make the protagonist from England nut living in Anerica. It would make your "tells" so much more acceptable. When the author mentioned "answerphone" instead of voicemail, I had her (or him, as I suspect since the amount of physical labor this woman completed in an afternoon would tax a man.) While the story could have been interesting, I'm afraid it was a miss for me. It read like a Harlequin Romance (or a Mills and Noon for you Brits) in places, was overly descriptive and yet managed to miss some important details in others. The profanity that flowed from the main character was unnecessary. Was it just there for shock value? It didn't add a thing to the story. It would have been helpful in understanding the extreme anger at her employer to have a few more details about what had happened to her with this stalking incident and these "rumors" about her that were alluded to. My husband works in academia and I found the portrayal of the atmosphere insulting. Glad I only "borrowed" this and didn't actually pay for it."

What do you think?  Is it me or is this both sexist and anti-British?

Gosh, and all this time I thought I was an American woman.  Who knew? ;-)

Guess I needed this nutter to tell me. Whoops, there I go again showing my British manliness...;-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The House by P.M. Prior is NOW live!

Available on sale here!

The House will be live on Amazon (supposedly) in 12 Hours!

After a third round of editing and fighting with Scrivener to get the right format, I have finally hit the "Publish" button on Amazon. The House should be live within 12 hours!

Here's the blurb:

It was meant to be a place of safety. Their home. Her sanctuary.

When Prue Bridgewater first glimpses the abandoned old house, it's love at first sight. Her husband Ray is not so sure.

The property has been neglected for decades, and Ray can’t help wondering why. But with Prue on the brink of a nervous breakdown, he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her sane, even if it means he has to live there.

Once ensconced in their new home, Prue begins fixing up the place while Ray is away at work. After a series of disturbing discoveries, she fears she's losing her mind.
She hears things and sees people who couldn’t possibly be there, and she can’t shake the feeling she’s being watched.

As Prue’s hold on reality begins to disintegrate, along with her marriage, she struggles to tell truth from delusion. But things go from bad to worse, and soon not just her sanity, but her survival hinges upon the long-buried secrets of THE HOUSE.

Comments and feedback are welcome! :-)

Monday, January 4, 2016

El sótano Available on Tolino, Apple and Kobo!

Just received notification from BabelCube that El sótano (the Spanish translation of The Basement) is available on Tolino, Apple/iTunes and Kobo.  HOORAY!


Everyone is back at school today, so I can finally get to the editor's comments on The House.  So far so good! Will keep you posted. :-)